Sunday, December 12, 2010

November and December

I haven't had much painting time in the past several weeks and I am anxious to get back to it.

December always merrily clips along, leaving me wondering where all it's days have gone as suddenly I find it is almost Christmas day. Its cold, and its going to get colder in the next couple of days. In fact, it snowed today, which doesn't happen that often here. Sounds like its time to bundle up and weather the storm!

These two small paintings give me a warm, sun-splashed day to bask in while I sit by the fire and sip hot chocolate- which I am not doing, but wish I was.

Yellow Flowers
12 x 12"

10 x 10"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Vienna, pronounced Vi- anna, is in south central Georgia. Lots of cotton, peanuts, soybeans and pecans.

The Red Barn
14 x 11"

Pecan Alley
11 x 14"

Living things

I really enjoyed working on these two paintings. They both have several layers of paint, and therefore, great texture and underlying hues.

24 x24"

24 x 24"

More edible items

Edible things are great subjects for paintings. There is always something- your lunch, breakfast, etc.- that you can use in a still life.

A tangerine on a plate.

16 x 16"

Some eggs before they were scrambled.

16 x 16"

Three pears on linen canvas.

11 x 14"

Biking in Ireland

These two paintings were created from photographs taken during our family biking trip to Ireland in 2005.
It was an absolutely fantastic trip, led by my favorite Irishman, Sean O'Leary, and his wonderful family.
Below are two buildings at a living history museum we visited and the little building in the foreground housed an enormous hog.

Hog House
20" x 20"

This next one is of my son Edwin, looking back from whence he came.

Irish Ride
20" x 24"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hilton Head Island

These are paintings I began at Hilton Head and later finished up from photographs I took while there.

The dunes as seen from the deck.

"Beach Pines"
10 x 10"

22 x 28"
Don't you still want to build that beautiful sandcastle every summer?

"Dune Walk"
18 x 24"
The island is wonderfully green, even on the sandy walk to the beach.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To market, to market... buy a painting?

Here are some other pieces that have sold at the market.

Violin Girls
12 x 12"

Two girls practicing their violin on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

24 x 24"

Citrus and lantana on glass.

18 x 18"

A different take on citrus on glass.

First Market Day in June

This is the painting I sold on my first day at the Sandy Springs Farmer's Market. Kind of cool that it was of a rooster... it was purchased for a restaurant in Decatur.

That's me and my daughter...

and my friend, who's pottery you can see in the photos above and below.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Selling art at the farmer's market

It is an interesting idea, selling art at a farmer's market. Most of the shoppers are looking for vegetables, not oil paintings.